About Me

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First of all, my name is Courtney and I am 29 years old. I am married to a handsome fella named Chris, 34. I am a Canadian Military wife, and a very lucky stay at home mom of 3 great kids. A 6 Year old Boy, a 4 Year old Girl, and a 1 year old girl. We have a 2 year old Golden Retriever named Luke. I am fairly creative. I Love crafting, baking & photography. For many years I've wanted to start blogging, so here I am! It will host topics such as favourite recipes, parenting tips, Craft ideas...etc. I hope you enjoy! <3

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mommies don't get sick!

This past weekend was fabulous. Great weather, everyone in a relatively good mood, the house was clean... then BAM! Monday morning I wake up and feel like I got hit by a Mack truck. It came from out of nowhere. Deep chest cough, sniffles, headache... the works.
I get the boy out the door to the bus stop, and take a deep breath... (the exhale nearly extracted my right lung by the way).

On to the to do list, get the dog outside, feed the 4 year old her breakfast, change the baby, feed the baby, clean up after breakfast, figure out an acceptable cartoon for the girls... the list goes on (I won't bore you)

After I manage to ingest a half a cup of coffee, I put my head back and admit to myself, outloud,

"Mama is sick"

The 4 year old just looked at me like I had ten heads and said,
"You can't get sick, your'e the Mommy!"
That summed it up right there.

I pushed through as much of the daily routine as I could and finally in walked Dad, and he said those magical words... "Why don't you go lay down?" Now, don't get me wrong. The huz offers up the afternoon nap when he feels I should have one, more often than not, but usually I laugh at the thought if taking a 2-3 hour timeout, but on this day... I was desperate. Still feeling awful I crawl into bed and catch about 3 hours of peace and quiet. Bliss. I get up and Superdad has supper cooked, kitchen cleaned up and the kids all had smiles on their faces. Amazing.
I actually felt like it was OK to take that time out. First time in a very long time.

Today husband came home from work saying he felt ill. Uh oh.

So the question is...
How do you take care of the littlest ones if both Mom and Dad get sick? Gather as many supplies as you can in one place, and plant yourself and your pillows and blankets on a comfy couch, with books and games and finger foods and sippy cups for the kids. Don't forget the tissues!

If you are lucky, like me, you'll have one kid sit at your feet and read you disney stories while the other one 'plays fetch' with the baby when she tosses her favourite toy across the room. I got plenty of forehead kisses and "I love yous" and I think I'm actually a smidge better. 

I think after the past two days my kids realize that sometimes I am actually human...

...and so is superdad.


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