About Me

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First of all, my name is Courtney and I am 29 years old. I am married to a handsome fella named Chris, 34. I am a Canadian Military wife, and a very lucky stay at home mom of 3 great kids. A 6 Year old Boy, a 4 Year old Girl, and a 1 year old girl. We have a 2 year old Golden Retriever named Luke. I am fairly creative. I Love crafting, baking & photography. For many years I've wanted to start blogging, so here I am! It will host topics such as favourite recipes, parenting tips, Craft ideas...etc. I hope you enjoy! <3

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Tips and tricks to a smooth school morning

Mornings can get crazy. It REALLY helps to have a set routine. I swear, it makes life SO much easier.

Here's our routine.

You can tweek it so it fits your family better if need be...

Make Bed
5 Minute Room Rescue
Get Dressed
Put PJs away
Take vitamin
Clear Breakfast dishes
Brush Teeth
Lunch Bag

*Make Bed* Do this right when they get out of it.
Great lifetime habit in my opinion!
*5 Minute Room Rescue* They do this for their evening routine, too, so their rooms never get out of hand. Set a timer.
*Get Dressed* All the way to their socks
*Put P.J.'s Away* I get them to put them on their pillow.
*Eat* I get their breakfast ready for them while they are getting dressed.
*Take vitamin* They take a Children's Multivitamin
*Clear Dish* Rinse and put beside sink.
*Hair* Kailey needs my help here.

*Brush teeth* They have toothbrushes that light up for two minutes. When it stops flashing, they have to finish up.
*Lunchbag* I usually pack it the night before, so it is generally ready to go in the fridge.
*Backpack* They bring it to the living room so they can grab and go (and I can double check for homework and library books)
*Coat/Shoes* In the spring/fall, they keep a jacket or sweater in their backpacks at all times, because you never know what the weather will do. I HATE being home worrying about them being cold at recess just because the sun didn't come out that day like expected. Now I don't have to worry and have mommy guilt! :)
In the winter, they put their coats/boots by their backpacks in the living room.
*Double check* They have to do a quick walk through the house and make sure they didn't forget anything.

For this system to work properly,
I have to make sure all things are accessible for them.
For example...
-they need clean clothes to get dressed into.
-they always know where their backpack is because we have designated spots for them.
-homework, library book and jacket always stay in the backpack so there is no last minute searching.
Prepping everything the night before is a MUST!
I hope this helps.

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